Yeahh the camera is back! was just a bad contact!
View from the hotel room!!!
The hotel, right on the marina!
Reading the news!! Thanks Xavier for that one! And thanks for the Room!
The hotel, right on the marina!
Reading the news!! Thanks Xavier for that one! And thanks for the Room!
It is not completely back however, it can only shoot in the automatic mode. So no more black and whits, no more video, no more nice setting and nice pictures of sunset/sunrises... I ll have to find a solution to this...
I now make my way to Split... This will be an epic journey... First ride with an ice cream delivery man who does not speak a word of English but whom i surprisingly manage to understand... mostly :)
He drops me at a familiar place, the very same place i got stuck in 2 years ago, on the same road! but today the sun is shining, it is early, i will make it. I wait for the next ride learning a bit from my Croatian book. He arrives soon, before the bus the people at the station are waiting for! He is young has been to Lyon a couple times, nice dude! Remember he was waring his seatbelt i my attachment for it so i had no possibility of seatbelt, but who cares, we are in Croatia!
Next ride brings me from a shit spot to a nice spot with a beach, Fortunately coy it is middle of the day and getting hot again! Nice swim, cold beer before a other working young local picks me up for a couple kilomerters.
Sensing i am getting there to slowly, i catch the bus showing up 30 min later. To Split! On the way some strange bunker and nice views on the sea as always along this road.
More of Split tomorrow!
1 commentaire:
salut ma poulette! t'as trop l'air d'enjoyer ton trip, bo ca! la c une heure du mat kk part au japon, je chille a une conf superbe, mais je lis quand meme ton blog avant d'aller me coucher pour etre sur que tu pètes la forme!!!! merveilleux, si j'avais pas un dose de corporates derriere moi, j'te rojoindre pour la forme sans prob!!! tout de bon ma poule!!!!!!!!!! et trip a fond, et pour moi aussi!!!! C ya!!!!!
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