
lundi 14 juillet 2008

Fascists and The Police

Monday was a day full of tourism, walking, chilling on the beach. Monday night was crazy once again, going to a Boat (not a Splav, a real boat this time) playing old rock, grunge and punk hits like the Clash, Ramones, Nirvana, the Offspring (self estem yeeaaaa!). It was great listening all these songs again, remembered me of sooo much. As i was alone, Jeremie having to work in the morning, I met lots of people. Some musicians, some tv show producers (the serbian Survivor mouahahahah), brothers and sisters, rock fans and a real drunk lost guy.
At the end of the show, the real drunk guy calls me as i m leaving. I join him and his "Friends" he just met and was obviously anoying... I chat a bit, the usual thing, were are you from, what do you do here and where do you go? Then a red haired girl joins us, she is bit drunk too and says "ooo I looooove French" was this very stupid, slightly sleezy voice ... then "I would like to know how to say F#@! me in frensh"... mm ok i see. The next sentence i remember was "I hate black people....". And i m realy convinced your a lost and stupid B*#@? Anyway i decide to wast a bit of my tiome, enjoy the sunrise and try to get some commen sence back in that girls head...
We wlak avay, the drunk guy follows on his bike and an other wierd lost guy is following us in the distance. I have to say here that i never felt uncomfortable in Belgrade and that in this situation i probably would have in many other cities... We manage to get ride of those 2 lost guys, go for a coffee and i keep trying to educate that girl... in vain...
The conversation goes something like this...
- I hate blacks
- Why?
- I dont know, they smell.
- You smell to, like sweat, smoke and its not exactly pleasent.
- O i dont know, i m a skinhead you know.
- So that is why you hate black people?
- Yes!
Very frustrating discussion... I got to learn that she hates Black, Gay, Jewish, Old, Asian, Gypsy and Arabic people... that she will suicide when she is 60, that she has only violent movies (not necessarily bad ones though...) etc...

Next day, waking up is difficult little sleep :) Tonight we are going to see the Police concert with Jeremie! Real good concert though a bit short. My favorita are still cant stand loosing you and so lonely :) Here are a few pictures :

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