
dimanche 24 août 2008

The real storry about my birthday...

Once again i was out in th middle of nowhere and could not update my blog. Sorry. But it does not seem to bother anyone, except Judith.

So after showing Judith around town, we joined Mina and Natasa for a beautiful fish dinner at Reka, a well known konaba to celebrate events. Judith, Jeremie, Mina, Natasha, Stephanie, Milan and Ana are in the place. So is the band preforming tonight. As usual in Serbia, we will start eating around 9-10 after a little Rakija aperitif. What to say more than it is real nice to have a proper dinner surrounded by friend thousands of kms from home :) I even got presents, a bottle of homemade Rakija from Milan's grandfather and a nice Belgrade t-shirt.

Mina Natasa and Jeremie
The atmosphere in the place.
Midnight walk after dnner, at the gates of a cemtary. Again the picture i a bit dark, expect beter picturs as i just acquird a new camera.

I could also mention quickly why i am late again... Happy hitchhiking surprise again! On my way to civilized south of Macedonia where i would have written some more updates, i was picked up by a bus full of hippies and alternative people :) They were heading to meet their big worldwide family, the rainbow family! and it was such a nice, fun living, loving ride with the family that i spent 3 days with them in the middle of nowhere. But more on this in a while!

Also, i am writing this on the newly acquired ultra portable laptop, eee pc :) waiting for the bus to meet Mina and Natasa, i realize how contradicting this is with the place i come from, were i lived with practically nothing. D‘amour et d‘eau fraiche comme on dis en France. I guess buying this was a professional deformation, i cannot live without a computer :)

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hey bon anni l'ami lion!
Alors y étaient bons ces cafés bucherons à Guca?.. Bon rien à envier à la rakija n'est-ce pas?!
Bonne suite, et surtout, du plaisir et au taquet svp ;-)
Biz de Erzurum

Unknown a dit…

yo DD,
Happy Birthday mate! Qd j ai découvert l'eee pc j'avais bien pensé que c'était fait pour toi.
Sinon, c'est faux DD y a pas que Jud qui se plaint que tu n'écrives pas! J'ai failli téléphoner à tes parents pour me plaindre!
Aller mec, si jamais tu es en Grèce prochainement dis leur bien Yassou de ma part. La Bise