
mercredi 6 août 2008

Getting to Bucarest, meeting Criss

Now I decided not to hitch hick down to bucarest, but rather to rest, eat shower and do a bit of blogging at Denis place. This is also because Deni himself is going down to Bucarest by train to meet friends and go to the sea side.

Train ride to Bucarest with Deni, it is raining again...

And now it is sunny again... (check out the endless sunflower fields...)

The sun plays hide and seek, or gods creation as Frances would say ;)

Bucarest Thunders...

Tonight, after droping my stuff at Vasiles, the couchsurfer hosting me in Bucarest, I get to eat some warm food with Andrei in the center. After so many days in the mountain eating bread, we are very happy to get some warm food, him especialy since he ate almost nothing today. He tels me the end of his adventures on the ridge : the water shortage and the thirsty dog, the sun, the pain in the feet and a the adventurus night down at the refuge (a couple hours walk before the bivuak).

Later that night, I meet some of his friends and talk, mainly about blogs... Can i make some money with my travel blog?? maybe, but it is hard, especialy since i have only couple visitors... You need to know some other blogers and exchange traffic... And change the white on black thing, nobady reads that, to painfull. And you need to use highlighting :). I try to ever since but sometimes forget...

We the go to pick up Criss at the bus station. She just arrived, it is midnight and she has been on that bus about 40 hours... we didnt see each other for more than 2 years and now meet again in Bucarest!!! She is here for a photoreportage. Andrei and his friend then kindly drop us at Vasiles place.

At Vasiles, we drink a couple beers and talk more. About photography, about bloging, websites and working traveling. Vasile also wonders why and how i travl alone. I try to explain once agian that you meet more people. He says you have nobody to share that with later... sure thing, but for now i have Criss! :) we argue a bit into the night and I catch up with Criss, so much time, so much to tell :)

Anyhow, it is 4 am and my mind is busy with figuring out how i could make little money out of the blog and where i could get a good camera. Vasile and Criss with their brand new EOS 40D made me jalouse and feel like an amateur with my old small Elph...

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