
jeudi 13 novembre 2008

The end of a 40 hours day.

The pictures of the end of that day first...

As we get into Gozes flat, it is already 7am, we both need to do many things, first of all wash and eat. I am still a bit drunk from that night in Bitola and on the train. Emails folow the food break and i am surprised to be able to keep my eyes open long enough to wright a couple emails. I take a nap, probably less then an hour and we then get ready to meat our friends from the train at 11h15 (who choses this stupid time?? hehe) in the center.
My eyes are a little shut but the promise of a good Turkish tea keeps them open and as soon as we get on bike to head of, the wind wakes me up and i am back! I d better be since the traffic in Skopje and the drivers are not quite that in Lausanne. I stick to Goze who is ridding as a madman in front of me. I keep following as we pass a red light. A red light on an empty road and about to turn to green. Still a red light and the police car that is parked right there does not oversee that. We get a horn. don't care but soon someone is yelling something, as i turn my head, i see the police man waving a sign to me and asking me to stop, i slow down and say i dont understand shit and i cant loose my friend. I point to him and they go for him. Locky for us they are in a traffic jam, i pass them and as join Goze he tells me. “The police? So what! it is Macedonian police, there are fuckers, cant catch us anyway, they are to layz to get out of their car! lets go!” Ok sure why not! In the end it avoid us some useless trouble and probably a crazy fine, gave me a small adrenaline rush and woke me up.
We get to the square and of course no one is around. pretty obvious they got to sleep and unlike us crazy two stayed in bed. We still go for the promised Caj and order some lahmajdun. Turkish specialty, better than in turkey! They are a deliciously tasty flamenkuch like dish with a bit of salad and lemon juice. We get back on our bike to hit the big bazar, get me a used phone since mine stayed on the train... One more thing i dropped somewhere. but who cares, i didn't loose my sim card and i guess this phone will be useful to someone else. We don't buy it straight away and keep looking for more stuff. Goze is a compulsive buyer, he spreads his money buying loads of stuff. After all that is his job :) buying and selling. He shows me around, the bazar, the finest handcraft man in Skopje, the cheapest pita and yogurt, the art faculty and all his friends around...
In the afternoon we get home to take a nap. I use the internet connection to post blogs and do a couple skype calls. After a month i finally speak with my family again. i should do this more often. I tried to call you Foinfoin but i could only hear a baby crying and on the other side they could not hear me... i get the good surprise to get a call from Nono, back in Alsace! Not so interesting day except for the short police chase and some more sights into the city.

1 commentaire:

deni a dit…

Wow, this actually looks amazing!