
samedi 6 septembre 2008

A day of nothing in Trpanje

Today is THE day of nothing... except for burning on a quiet beach, swimming in crystal clear water, reading On the Road again (J. Kerouac, excellent book) not much happening today :) After being a little to much in the sun, i spend the afternoon blogging in an internet cafe.

As i get out, the sun is reasonably low and Judith is up for a cocktail :) The combination of nice setting, sun, sea and Long island Ice Tea gets me in an excellent mood in no time! We try to find a fish for dinner but of course this s done in the morning hours. I will wake up early tomorrow and get some fish! So tonight we content us with pasta with fresh self made tomato sauce and local vine.

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

T'as pas osé mettre qques photos de la soirée... ;) Et pourtant...y en a qui valent le détour...héhé Dieu n'avait fait que l'eau, mais l'Homme a fait le vin...et a fait pousser des piments :D !
